I'm looking for a slow one-way pseudo-random permutation; or in other words a block cipher $E_K: P\in\{0,1\}^b\mapsto C\in\{0,1\}^b$ with moderate block size $b\approx 64$ bits, wide key $K$, indistinguishable from a random permutation for one not knowing $K$, and additional characteristics:
- encryption $E_K$ is controllably slow according to a parameter $c$, similar to the iteration count parameter in PBKDF2; an additional memory size parameter $m$ as in Scrypt would be nice;
- there is no efficient decryption method even knowing $K$, ideally so that the least costly method to decipher ciphertext blocks $C_j$ would be to try and (slowly) encipher candidate plaintext until finding a match. Update: Otherwise said, there should be a security gap as wide as possible between decryption and encryption, expressed as a ratio of work; and that should remain sizable when the cost of encryption is raised using parameter $c$.
Is there some established (or arguably secure) construct for that? One idea is outlined in this interesting answer to a related question (but unfortunately, the one-wayness obtained using a permutation polynomial seems dubious).
Update: I'd also be satisfied with a slightly expanding injective function, e.g. $E_K: P\in\{0,1\}^b\mapsto C\in\{0,1\}^{b+1}$.
Updated example application: 2-D barcode cards (or other kind of write-once memory cards) are issued to individuals with data including a unique serial number $S$ of $s=32$ bits (sequentially assigned, thus largely guessable from another $S$), and other data $Q_S$ (which we assume has sizable entropy). The serial number is used for some initial purpose, and (interpretations of) regulatory requirements protecting individual's privacy prevent from storing that identifier for purposes unrelated to the initial purpose. Nevertheless, merchants would like to lawfully reuse the same cards in an existing loyalty application, identifying cards with an identifier of small size, and able to work off-line (at least, as a backup). We thus want to transform $S$ and $Q_S$ into a short digest (practically public), computable from $S$, $Q_S$, and a key $K$, that remains unique to a given card (as $S$ is); the digest should leak no information about $S$ and $Q_S$ without access to $K$; and, inasmuch as possible, the confidentiality of $S$ and $Q_S$ should be preserved from an attacker knowing digest and key (thus easing the requirements on secure storage and use of the key). Notice that a truncated MAC would not match the "remains unique to a given card" requirement.
With a function as in the question, we could use as digest $E_K(S||R_S)$ where $R_S$ has $b-s$ bits, and is obtained, say using Scrypt, from $Q_S$, $S$, and $K$. Notice that encryption slowness in the forward/encryption direction is necessary to prevent checking guesses of $S$ and enumerated $R_S$; and even more slowness (ideally, next to $2^b$ times as much slowness) is required in the backward/decryption direction, in order to prevent deciphering of the digest. Notice that either attack would reveal $S$, and also allow forged cards misappropriating the same $S$ and digest as the original, if not the same $Q_S$.