Several certificate authorities operate RFC-3161-compliant time-stamp servers that can be used free-of-charge. OpenSSL can create RFC 3161 time-stamp requests and verify the responses.
Here is a simple Bash script that time-stamps a file using the time-stamp server operated by StartSSL:
in_file='[path to file]' # name of file to be hashed and time-stamped
out_file="${in_file}.tsr" # name of file to save the time-stamp response
ts_server='' # URL of time-stamp server
# Use openssl to create the time-stamp request, then use curl to submit the request and save the response.
openssl ts -query -data "$in_file" -sha1 -cert |
curl -o "$out_file" -sSH 'Content-Type: application/timestamp-query' --data-binary @- "$ts_server"
# Verify the response.
openssl ts -verify -data "$in_file" -in "$out_file" -CApath "$(openssl version -d | cut -d '"' -f 2)/certs/"
# Print the response in human-readable format for more info.
openssl ts -reply -in "$out_file" -text
Example of command outputs:
$ echo 'This is an example.' > testfile
$ in_file='./testfile'
$ out_file="${in_file}.tsr"
$ ts_server=''
$ openssl ts -query -data "$in_file" -sha1 -cert |
> curl -o "$out_file" -sSH 'Content-Type: application/timestamp-query' --data-binary @- "$ts_server"
$ openssl ts -verify -data "$in_file" -in "$out_file" -CApath "$(openssl version -d | cut -d '"' -f 2)/certs/"
Verification: OK
$ openssl ts -reply -in "$out_file" -text
Status info:
Status: Granted.
Status description: unspecified
Failure info: unspecified
TST info:
Version: 1
Policy OID:
Hash Algorithm: sha1
Message data:
0000 - a6 f1 53 80 1c 93 03 d7-3c a2 b4 3d 3b e6 2f 44 ..S.....<..=;./D
0010 - c6 b6 64 76 ..dv
Serial number: 0x28DD7D
Time stamp: Jan 1 18:26:50 2014 GMT
Accuracy: 0x01 seconds, unspecified millis, unspecified micros
Ordering: no
Nonce: 0xB9943DF6F7CD5191
TSA: DirName:/CN=StartCom Time-Stamping Authority/O=StartCom Ltd. (Start Commercial Limited)
Given a copy of the original file along with the *.tsr
response, anyone can verify that the authority time-stamped the hash of the file at the specified time.
On Windows, Microsoft's SignTool can be used instead of OpenSSL.