I have designed an SQL aggregate function in Oracle that bitwise XORs all MD5 sums of the values stored in a column.
For example, if my table is:
| Key | Sequence | Value |
| 1 | 1 | 'Hello' |
| 1 | 2 | 'World' |
| 2 | 1 | '1234' |
| 3 | 0 | (empty) |
| 4 | 1 | 'Hello' |
| 4 | 3 | 'World' |
I can run the following query in Oracle:
with t AS (select 1 key, 1 sequence, 'Hello' value FROM dual
union all select 1, 2, 'World' from dual
union all select 2, 1, '1234' from dual
union all select 3, 0, '' from dual /* ... */
select key, md5_agg(value) from t group by key
and get (unfortunately aggregate functions in Oracle ignore NULL values and ''
is considered as NULL)
|key| md5_agg(value) |
| 1 | 7EBD0B1DA67F965F802D31DF25C4B321 |
| 2 | 81DC9BDB52D04DC20036DBD8313ED055 |
| 3 | 00000000000000000000000000000000 |
| 4 | 7EBD0B1DA67F965F802D31DF25C4B321 |
I would like to use this approach to compare if the contents of some columns are equal when I compare subsets of the same table (think of finding duplicates in a complex structures that spans over multiple rows in the same table). Here with this results I know that I have the same subsets for keys 1 and 4.
What are the limits of such an approach? Here are the ones I could list:
- This is interesting only if my column contains distinct values. If my columns contains twice the same string, the
operation will be a no-op. - Due to Oracle limitations, if my column contains empty values, they do not count.
With those limitations in mind, is it still possible to infer, from two equal md5_agg
results computed from distinct and non-empty values, that the original values make up the same sets?
In order to reformulate, are there odds that the MD5 sums of distinct strings XOR to 0?
exactly because of that, because I want to verify that tables have the same contents, not thatSELECT
statements return the same results in the same order (no DBMS guarantees the order of rows returned unless you specifyORDER BY
). $\endgroup$