I am hoping to employ a signed set membership system which is valid iff each signer's contribution to the set is present. The system should allow for two or more mutually exclusive signed sets to be merged into a new signed set without requiring new signatures. Also, unless the set has a single signer, it should be intractable with the signed set alone to discover which elements of the set were signed by which signer. The following describes the system:
EdDSA signatures are of the form: $S = (r + H(M,R,A)*a)$ $mod$ $l$.
Consider the modified form: $S = (a + H(M, R)*r)$ $mod$ $l$, where we omit the public signing key A from the hash function and swap the private signing key $a$ with the private session key $r$.
Now, suppose we have two signers, $A_1$ and $A_2$, having signed a set of three elements, $(M_1,R_1)$, $(M_2,R_2)$ and $(M_3,R_3)$. The signature is then:
$S_{set} = (a_1 + a_2 + H(M_1,R_1)*r_1 + H(M_2,R_2)*r_2 + H(M_3,R_3)*r_3)$ $mod$ $l$
and is verified iff:
$S_{set}*B = A_1 + A_2 +H(M_1,R_1)*R_1 + H(M_2,R_2)*R_2 + H(M_3,R_3)*R_3)$ $mod$ $l$
So, does this system seem to accomplish the stated goals while maintaining the security of the unmodified EdDSA algorithm?