I need to convert a hard knapsack to a superincreasing knapsack.
I have these superincreasing values (3,6,11,22,43,87). I also have w = 7 and n = 173. I converted the superincreasing values to hard one (21,42,77,154,128,90) by computing $a_i = x_i * w \bmod{n}$.
(3 * 7) mod 173 = 21
(6 * 7) mod 173 = 42
(11 * 7) mod 173 = 77
(22 * 7) mod 173 = 154
(43 * 7) mod 173 = 128
(87 * 7) mod 173 = 90
I want to ask how can I get the superincreasing values if I have hard one.
Can I convert (21,42,77,154,128,90) to (3,6,11,22,43,87) with $w = 7$ and $n = 173$? Or how can I find the x_i if w = 7 and n = 173?
(x1 * w) mod n = 21
(x2 * w) mod n = 42
(x3 * w) mod n = 77
(x4 * w) mod n = 154
(x5 * w) mod n = 128
(x6 * w) mod n = 90