Many protocols use HMAC on messages that include a nonce, but they don't seem to do it in a consistent way. For example, in OAuth the nonce is in the middle of an URL-encoded key-value string, like this:
POST& %26a3%3Da%26b5%3D%253D%25253D%26c%2540%3D%26c2%3D%26oauth_consumer_ key%3D9djdj82h48djs9d2%26oauth_nonce%3D7d8f3e4a%26oauth_signature_m ethod%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D137131201%26oauth_token%3Dkkk 9d7dh3k39sjv7
This is probably because different protocols use the nonce for different purposes. However, I'm interested specifically in using a nonce with a constant message to get different authenticators for repeated messages (with the same key).
Is there a standardized way to include a nonce in HMAC authentication?
Is there any theoretical difference in between $H_K(\text{Msg}||\text{Nonce})$ and $H_K(\text{Nonce}||\text{Msg})$?