I am taking a codes and cryptography course and the following is a questions on a past exam that I could not and still can't solve:
Suppose that $E_k$ denotes the function that encrypts a message $M$ with AES where $K$ is the 128-bit key. Suppose that a cryptographer discovers a function $F$ so that $E_k(M) = F_{k_1}(F_{k_2}(M))$, where $k_1$ and $k_2$ are each 64-bits, and $K$ is easily computable from $k_1$ and $k_2$.
Explain how one would use this to mount a known plain text attack on AES that is faster than brute-forcing the 128-bit key.
If someone could provide a step by step explanation of how to do this, it would be greatly appreciate! Thanks in advance!