There is a very similar question (Using a derived key for CMAC) but it doesn't quite answer this one (at least for me it does not).
I have a situation where I need to transfer some data. My data has variable length (but padded to 16-byte blocks, of course) and I encrypt it using AES-128 in CBC mode. It is done like this:
- I first prepend the data with last 16 bytes of previous ciphertext I sent out, append data if it needs to round to 16 byte block, and then finally encrypt it. Therefore my plaintext looks like this: [random_16_bytes_as_IV] [DATA] [PADDING]
- Then I calculate AES-CMAC over the entire ciphertext (using the same key used for encryption) and append it to the ciphertext and finally transmit to the receiver. So my transmission looks like this: [CIPHERTEXT] [CMAC]
- Receiver receives, verifies the AES-CMAC, decrypts and discards first 16 bytes of IV and whatever was appended for 16-byte block padding.
A while ago it was suggested to me to use AES in CBC mode along with CMAC for a pet-project I am working on (Is this an acceptable implementation of ARC4 encryption for my system?) and now I wanted to check if this is the right way to do it. Even though it is a pet-project I should at least give my best to do it correctly.
My concerns are bolded above. Also, please note that those 16 bytes that I prepend are actually the AES-CMAC of preious transmission, maybe I should not use those 16 bytes but use the last 16 bytes of actual ciphertext instead? - or it doesn't matter since they are both known from previous transmission...
go into the plaintext? $\;$ $\endgroup$