In Montgomery reduction, when calculating $a \times b \mod N$, it is required that $a \lt N$ and $b \lt N$.
I think $0 \le T \lt N \times R$ is enough for the Montgomery Reduction.
Let $a' = a \times R \mod N$,
let $b' = b \times R \mod N$, and
let $T = a' \times b'$.
Then $T \times R^{-1} = ((T + ((T \times (-N^{-1}) \mod R) \times N) / R) \mod N$.
$T \lt N^{2} \lt N \times R$ as $R \gt N$. Also remainder of $\mod R \lt R$, so $(T + ((T \times (-N^{-1}) \mod R) \times N)/ R \lt (N \times R + R \times N)/R = 2 \times N$.
As such, $a$ and $b$ can be greater than $N$. Is that correct? If it isn´t, what´s wrong with my rationale?