Please consider we have finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ for large prime number $p$. We have a fixed field element $\alpha$. By $r_i\leftarrow \mathbb{F}_p$ we mean we pick $r_i$ uniformly random from the field. We assume the values $r_i$ are distinct so $r_i\neq r_j$
Question: Given $n$ values $v_1=\alpha \cdot r_1 \bmod p,..., v_n=\alpha \cdot r_n \bmod p$ for a large $n$ can the adversary learn the value $\alpha$?
Intuitively one may say the adversary can compute $gcd(v_1,...v_n)$ to extract value $\alpha$.
Am I right that the adversary cannot learn anything; otherwise, ElGamal encryption would not be secure?