I am working on assignment where I have specific scenarios and I am little bit struggling with this one.
Alice sends and email to Bob.For this e-mail, she uses the following method of encryption: each single word of the text is viewed as an integer number in binary, obtained by concatenating the 8-bit binary values of the ASCII code of each letter. The number thus obtained for each word is then encrypted using the RSA algorithm and the resulting list of numbers is sent. Words that are too long to fit into this scheme are split into syllables, and each syllable is treated as a word.
I need to discuss whether eve can find efficient method to decrypt messages. My answer is:
I know if the plain text has two or more blocks of plaintext in common then we get same result for each of these blocks. This is the bit of information that leaks even if this does not give immediate information what the original plain text might be, Eve can see the relationship between plaintext and cipher text.
Eve can also measure how much power /time it takes to decrypt cipher text. Eve can observe this power and time consumption and she might be able to get some information about how many “1” there are in d. If Eve manages to determine d she can decrypt entire cipher text as c^d mod n =m.
I also need to provide rough estimation about the time it would take to decrypt the message and this is the part I am struggling with. The estimates of the time could be of the type: a few seconds, a few minutes, 1 hour, a few hours, one day, one week or longer. You may make assumptions about the speed of her computer: for example you could assume it would take 1 millisecond to perform RSA to encrypt or to decrypt one integer (of any size commonly used in RSA), if the encryption, respectively decryption key is given.
Any suggestions?