I've been toying around with your function, and I've come to the conclusion it's not memory hard. The amount of required memory can be reduced to at maximum digestsize * 3 * rounds
The first problem is that the entropy does not avalanche throughout the state, but stays localized. For example, after 1 round the state of the 2nd block only depends on the state of the 3rd block. After 2 rounds it (indirectly) only depends on the initial state of the 3rd and the 4th block. This means that an attacker could precompute 1024 rounds on a large portion of the constant and not need per-password memory for that.
A possible improvement would be to turn around the mixing to state[i mod size] = state[i mod size] ⊕ F(state[i - 1 mod size])
so that each block depends on the previous instead of the next, but the fact that you're generating & hashing in the same order will always make tradeoffs possible. Changing that order, preferably in a data-indepent way (e.g. by reversing the order of the blocks after each round), would make that way more difficult.
To illustrate my point, here are 2 codes: 1 with, and 1 without a memory tradeoff on your function:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from hashlib import sha512
blocks = 1000
rounds = 100
# pseudorandom constants created by hashing the literals "0", "1", ... "1000"
constants = [sha512(str(i).encode()).digest() for i in range(0, blocks)]
def mix(a, b):
global operations
operations += 1 # statistics
b = sha512(b).digest()
return bytearray(a ^ b for (a, b) in zip(a, b))
def more_memory(constant):
state = list(constant)
for i in range(0, rounds * blocks):
state[i % blocks] = mix(state[i % blocks], state[(i + 1) % blocks])
# Make a checksum for the entire state
state_hash = sha512()
for s in state:
return state_hash.hexdigest()[:32]
def less_memory(constant):
def perform_round(sequence):
first = None
cur = next(sequence)
while True:
after = next(sequence)
result = mix(cur, after)
yield result
if not first:
first = result
cur = after
except StopIteration:
yield mix(cur, first)
current = (s for s in constant)
for _ in range(0, rounds):
current = perform_round(current)
# Make a checksum for the entire state
state_hash = sha512()
for s in current:
return state_hash.hexdigest()[:32]
operations = 0
print('Using a lot of memory: {} ({} mixing-operations)'.format(more_memory(constants), operations))
operations = 0
print('Using little memory: {} ({} mixing-operations)'.format(less_memory(constants), operations))
# Prints:
# Using a lot of memory: e58f5665a2c388fc1420d4d1667f83df (100000 mixing-operations)
# Using little memory: e58f5665a2c388fc1420d4d1667f83df (100000 mixing-operations)
at the start and the end you'd actually get a (secure) block cipher assuming the permutation is good. $\endgroup$