In this paper, the author writes:
Now $k\phi(N) = ed - 1 < ed$. Since $e < \phi(N)$, we see that $k <d < \frac{1}{3}N^{\frac{1}{4}}$. Hence, we obtain:
$\mid \frac{e}{N} - \frac{k}{d} \mid \leq \frac{1}{dN^{\frac{1}{4}}} < \frac{1}{2d^2}$
I am having trouble seeing how these last equalities were found. I see how to get the following:
$\mid \frac{e}{N} - \frac{k}{d} \mid$ = $\frac{k}{d} - \frac{e}{N}$ $< \frac{3d}{dn^{\frac{1}{2}}} $
I do not see how to get from here to $\frac{1}{2d^2}$. Is anyone willing to explain this to me?