I have written an encryption implementation using a hash as a cipherstream for demonstration purposes. I know it is slower than more sensible options such as AES but I am interested in several things, which I will list at the bottom of this message.
NOTE: I am writing this in a pseudo-language that resembles C++ and using string for simplicity, I know that in practice the stream can output null character and cause trouble with string reading. SHA3 is assumed to be the 512-bit flavor.
base_key=SHA3(key); //not really needed, but in case we will ever allow the key to be "anything", we'll standardize the initial value like this
int counter=0;
for(read_message=0;read_message<message_length;read_message+=base_key.length()) //work in blocks of SHA3 outputs
hash_block=SHA3(base_key+string(counter)); //H(base_key+#) -> block#
keystream+=hash_block; //add blocks into one big pseudorandom output
keystream=keystream.Left(message.length()); //our keystream works in blocks, and might output bigger than the message, so trim any excess
return message^keystream; //XOR the keystream with the message, output
void main()
scanf(key); //input user key
nonce=generate_random_bytes(sizeof(SHA3)); //generate a nonce, SHA3-length should be enough
message_key=SHA3(key+nonce); //build the actual key that is going to encrypt the message via concat and hash
ciphertext=SHA3_Sym_Enc(message_key,plaintext); //output the encrypted message via the function described earlier
final_message=ciphertext+SHA3(ciphertext+message_key)+nonce; //append a MAC and the nonce to the message, note that we are not doing HMAC because SHA3 is supposedly immune to length extension attacks
is [ciphertext][MAC][nonce]
- Break up final_message, extract the MAC and nonce, their lengths are predetermined and they are known to be at the end so this will be easy
- Take key+nonce and hash, reach message_key
- Hash ciphertext+message_key, if they = MAC, the message is untampered
- parse the ciphertext back through the function to rebuild the original message
Now my questions:
If given a large enough password, does this system appear secure?
The hash function used here has a 512bit output and 1066 bits of internal state; does it really provide 512 bits of security? Also because hashes produce wildly different and unrelatable outputs for even tiny incremental changes, would this mean it's immune to a related key attack, even without a nonce? I ask these because AES only goes up to 256 bits and has some known issues with related keys, and as far as these two points go, this stream would be superior?
If I were to chain only half of the output instead of the full H(base_key+counter), in order to further hide any vital info about the keystream's origins that an attacker would try to obtain, how many bits of security would I lose? Would I go down to 511 or 256? I think it would be really nice because the stream could, in theory, at some point output a block identical to a previous block, and this in full implementation would mean that the stream has reached an interval and starts repeating, but this one would not because the out-of-sight bits are still different, further confusing an attacker.