If I understand your proposal, you are suggesting to modify GCM by not using a fixed secret $H$, but instead you're making it a secret function of the nonce $f_{key}(nonce)$.
If so, I don't believe that actually improves security.
For attacks on GCM integrity, the attacker needs to recover the value of $H$. Now, because of how we xor in a nonce-dependent value at the end, using different ciphertexts with different nonces doesn't really help the attacker. Instead, what the attacker needs to do is either:
Wait for the encryptor to slip up and encrypt two different messages with the same nonce, or
Manage to generate a valid forgery (that is, one that is accepted by the decryptor) with a nonce that is also used by the encryptor.
With GCM, either of these events allows him to compute a handful of possible values of $H$ (and generating a few more forgeries would allow him to eliminate the incorrect values).
Now, with your proposal, either of these events would allow the attacker to recover $f_{key}(nonce)$, for the specific nonce that was used. This is just as good for the attacker; he can then modify the encrypted packet by flipping arbitrary bits, making it whatever he likes (this assumes he knows/guesses the plaintext contents; with him being able to flip arbitrary bits and seeing how the decryptor reacts, we can reasonably expect that this is a feasible problem, even if the attacker didn't know the message contents beforehand).
The only restriction the attacker has is that he must use the same nonce value (as a different nonce would yield a different $f_{key}(nonce)$ value); however the attacker will likely find that to be a quite minor restriction.