The OP asks two questions. The first question is:
After we calculated $N = p * q$, we calculate $\varphi(N)$ and use it later to determine $e$ (PR) and $d$ (PU). But why?
This is exactly the prescription on page 6 of the original RSA paper, where $n=p\cdot q$ is the product of two (very large) prime numbers, and, hence the number of integers relatively prime to $n,$ or Euler's totient function, is the multiplication $\varphi(n)=(p-1)\cdot(q-1).$ From the RSA paper:
You then pick the integer $d$ to be a large, random integer which is relatively prime to $(p − 1) · (q − 1).$ That is, check that $d$ satisfies:
$\gcd(d,(p − 1) · (q − 1)) = 1.$
There are two points to explain in the way the OP is formulated. Firstly, the introduction of Euler's totient function stems from Fermat-Euler's theorem. Again quoting the RSA original paper, page 7:
We demonstrate the correctness of the deciphering algorithm using an identity due
to Euler and Fermat: for any integer (message) $M$ which is relatively prime to $n,$
$$M^{\varphi(n)}\equiv 1 \pmod n$$
Multiplying each side by $M,$ and rearranging:
M^{k\,\varphi(n)}& \equiv 1 \pmod n\\
M\cdot M^{k\,\varphi(n)}& \equiv M \cdot 1\pmod n\\
M^{k\,\varphi(n)+1}& \equiv M \pmod n
we get to the last equation showing that the message to encrypt ($M$) is unchanged under modular exponentiation by multiples ($k$) of Euler's totient function of $n$ plus $1$, i.e. $\varphi(n) +1.$ This is great news, because we can figure out an encryption ($e$) and decryption ($d$) set of keys such that
$$e\cdot d = k\,\varphi(n) +1$$
as $$d = \frac{k\,\varphi(n)+1}{e}.$$
Of note, $k\,\varphi(n) +1,$ with $k$ being an integer, is the mathematical formulation of $1 \pmod{\varphi(n)},$ or, equivalently, $$e\cdot d\equiv 1 \pmod{\varphi(n)}\tag 1.$$
[See below the post for a toy example of a manual solution.]
Therefore modular exponentiation of the message $M$ will render the original message if both keys, $e$ and $d,$ are known - in this way, one key can be made public, while the other key is kept private:
M^{k\,\varphi(n)+1}& \equiv M \pmod n\\
M^{e\cdot d}&\equiv M \pmod n
As on the first quote from the RSA article, $d$ needs to be coprime to $\varphi(n)$ precisely so that (from the RSA paper): has a multiplicative inverse e in the ring of integers modulo $\varphi (n).$
Hence, allowing a solution to Eq. (1).
This introduces the abstract algebra concept of the finite ring of integers modulo $\varphi(n),$ which can represented as $\mathbb Z/\varphi(n)\mathbb Z.$ At first sight this is scary, but it is simply saying that the set of integers in modular arithmetic form a finite ring with the operations of addition and multiplication, whereby an element of the set will have a multiplicative inverse provided it is coprime to the modulus. From Wikipedia:
A modular multiplicative inverse of an integer $a$ with respect to the modulus $m$ is a solution of the linear congruence $ax\equiv 1\pmod {m}.$ [...] a solution exists if and only if $\gcd(a, m) = 1,$ that is, $a$ and $m$ must be relatively prime (i.e. coprime).
For example, in the ring of of integers modulus $10,$ i.e. $\mathbb Z/10\mathbb Z=\{0,1,2,3,\dots,9\},$ the element $9$ being coprime to $10$ secures a multiplicative inverse, i.e. $9\cdot 9 =81\equiv 1 \pmod {10}.$
The idea is that modular exponentiation of $M$ to $e\cdot d$ equals exponentiation to $1,$ returning the original message.
The second question in the OP was:
And why does e need to be smaller than $\varphi(N)$?
follows as $e$ and $d$ are elements of the ring of integers modulus $\varphi (n),$ that is $e,d\in \mathbb Z/\varphi(n)\mathbb Z.$
Manual example:
Let's take $p=13$ and $q=23,$ yielding $n=299.$ The totient function is $\varphi(299)=12\times 22 = 264.$
To select the $e$ value we need a coprime to $\varphi(n)=264.$ Some of the coprime values of $264$ are $245, 247, 251, 257, 259,...$ If we select $e=245,$ the linear congruency to find a corresponding $d$ can be expressed as
$$245 d = 1 + 264k$$
This is equivalent to
$$245d + 264k =1\tag {*}$$
since is an arbitrary integer, $k\in \mathbb Z,$ and the rearrangement amounts to a change of sign, which wouldn't influence clock arithmetic.
Given that the values in equation $(*)$ are coprime, the expression amounts to Bézout's identity, $245x+264y=\gcd(245,264),$ and we can use the extended Euclidean theorem. This is explained in an example on this post.
Dividing the larger of the values ($\color{blue}{264}$) by the smaller value ($\color{magenta}{245}$) in the LHS of $(*),$ i.e. $\color{magenta}{245}d + \color{blue}{264}k =1,$ and keeping tally of the multiples in parenthesis, e.g. $\small\text{Dividend}=\text{Divisor}(\text{Quotient})+\text{Remainder}:$
\frac{\color{blue}{264}}{\color{magenta}{245}}=\color{tan}1{\small\text{, Rm }}\color{red}{19}
\implies&\color{blue}{264}(1) = \color{magenta}{245}(\color{tan}1) + \color{red}{19} \\[2ex]
{\small\text{, Rm }}\color{purple}{17}
\color{magenta}{245}(1) = \color{red}{19}(\color{tan}{12}) + \color{purple}{17} \\[2ex]
{\small\text{, Rm }}\color{orange}{2}
\color{red}{19}(1) = \color{purple}{17}(\color{tan}1) + \color{orange}2 \\[2ex]
{\small\text{, Rm }}\bf{1}
\implies&\color{purple}{17}(1) = \color{orange}2(\color{tan}8) +\bf 1
Moving the remainders to the RHS...
\color{red}{19} &= 264(1) + 245(-1)\\
\color{purple}{17} &= 245(1) + 19(-12)\\
\color{orange}2 &= 19(1) + 17(-1) \\
\bf 1 &= 17(1) + 2(-8)
Progressively linking these equations by substitution from the last one to the first, and distributing and rearranging terms...
\bf 1 &= 17(1) + \color{orange}2(-8)\\
&= 17(1) + \color{orange}{[19(1) + 17(-1)]}\bf{(-8)}\\
&= 17(1) + [19{\bf(-8)} + 17{\bf(8)}]\\
&= \color{purple}{17}(9) + 19(-8)\\
&= \color{purple}{[245(1) + 19(-12)]}{\bf(9)} + 19(-8)\\
&= [245{\bf(9)} + 19{\bf(-108)}] + 19(-8) \\
&= 245(9) + \color{red}{19}(-116) \\
&= 245(9) + \color{red}{[264(1) + 245(-1)]}{\bf(-116)}\\
&= 245(9) + [264{\bf(-116)} + 245{\bf(116)}]\\
&= \color{magenta}{245}(125) + \color{blue}{264}(-116)
Comparing this last equation to $(*),$ the value of $d=125.$ And indeed, $245 \times 125 \pmod {264} = 1.$ The value $k=-116$ just spins the wheels on the clock face, and it is a single example of the general solution $1=245\times 125+264k.$
If we want to pass along the message "Hi", composed of the 8th and 9th letters of the alphabet, i.e. $89,$ we use the public key in the example, $(e,n)=(245, 299),$ and send the message $89^{245} \pmod {299}=111,$ which will be decrypted by the receiver by using the private key, $(d,n)= (125,299),$ exponentiating $111^{125}\pmod{299}=89,$ in other words, "Hi."