Yes, ECIES is essentially a more practical implementation of ElGamal, a hybrid cryptosystem. It uses symmetric encryption following an ephemeral key exchange.
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The only difference is that instead of using KDF+XOR or AES+GCM as the symmetric cipher, ElGamal specifies a different symmetric step mapping the message to a point and using inverse modulo to recover.
Once of the oddities is that using a KDF and then using XOR was the most popular version of ECIES for a number of years. If used carefully, it's OK, but without properly padding the message, things can get ugly (chosen ciphertext attacks, etc.)
Ditching XOR and using AES/GCM with the shared secret seems, to me, like the better move, shifting responsibility for the authentication onto the symmetric layer. The use of KDF/XOR is still prevalent in modern libraries, mostly because some XOR variants were FIPS certified.