SKEME is a Key Exchange protocol used in the Internet Key Exchange (IKE). It contains three phases: SHARE
, and AUTH
-- these are defined in Section 3.2 of the linked SKEME document.
I am trying to understand a confusing part (to me at least) about the AUTH phase of SKEME. There is a bit of background to cover before I can get to my actual question, please bear with me...
Phase SHARE is intended to establish a key $K_0$ between $A$ and $B$
In SHARE the parties exchange "half-keys" encrypted under each other's public key and then combine the half-keys via a hash function to produce $K_0$
But this whole phase is skipped if the two parties instead use a Pre-Shared-Key instead of Public Keys. This is defined here:
3.3.2 Pre-shared key and PFS
In this mode, the protocol assumes that the parties already share a secret key, and that they use this key in order to derive a new and fresh key
In this mode of SKEME the SHARE phase can be skipped and the pre-shared key used as $K_0$
This is the mode of SKEME that I am concerned with, so we take it at face value that $A$ and $B$ have Pre-Shared-Key $K_0$
The next phase, EXCH, is used to exchange Diffie-Hellman exponents. Notice that this phase is independent of SHARE.
$A$ --> $B$: $g^x$ $mod$ $p$
$B$ --> $A$: $g^y$ $mod$ $p$
Standard Diffie-Hellman exchange, nothing too complicated here. Both parties now have the DH shared secret.
The authentication of this Diffie-Hellman exchange is accomplished in the following phase, AUTH, which uses the shared key $K_0$ from SHARE to authenticate the Diffie-Hellman exponents.
$A$ --> $B$: $F_{K_0}$ ($g^y$; $g^x$; $id_A$; $id_B$)
$B$ --> $A$: $F_{K_0}$ ($g^x$; $g^y$; $id_B$; $id_A$)Notice that the key $K_0$ shared in the SHARE phase can be known only to A and B ... The inclusion of $g^x$ in the first message serves to authenticate (to $B$) that $g^x$ came from $A$; the value $g^y$ in the same message is used to prove to $B$ the freshness of this message (assuming $g^y$ was freshly chosen by $B$);
And this is where I get confused.
I know $A$ put calculated $g^x$, and can understand how $A$ knows this value. But from what I understand, $B$ calculated $g^y$, and only shared $g^y$ $mod$ $p$.
Therefore, how does $A$ know $g^y$ to include in the formula above? Similarly, how does $B$ know $g^x$ to calculate the same $F_{K_0}$ to validate the value provided by $A$?