There are several methods of making a strong password, making it longer is one of them. now we also have hashing algorithms which have outputs of 512, so i wonder, would it be safe to basiclly use a simple password like dog, and then use the for example 512 bit hash output as the password.
EDIT: out off all the answers i think i thought out something that would be secure so consider the following: if i write a program which hashes a word with a number that comes out of a cryptographiclly secure pseudorandom number generator(having a minimum of 5 hashes, and then use the out put as a password, for example: i use the word dog as word, then number generator provides me with a random number of 5 or higher which defines how many times it needs to be hashed. in this case, we got the numer 30 for example, then we hash the word dog 30 times with a secure hash function. then this would be a secure password against dictornary attacks right? because if they dont know how many times you hashed it, then trying a dictornary attack should become a much harder task to achieve, and for brute force: trying to crack a 512 bit password with letters and numbers should be madness, and if you use a salt along side of it, it should become really secure. so if someone is able to write something like this, and combine it with a secure and encrypted password vault, then it should be a pretty powerfull tool for password creation and management. so this is basically the idea, feel free to point out things i missed or possible weaknesses :)