This is really an extended comment on @cygnusv's excellent answer.
Each share in Shamir's secret-sharing scheme really has two parts: the share $s_i=P(x_i)$ of the secret (where
$P(x) = P_0 + P_1x +\cdots + P_{k-1}x^{k-1}$ is the polynomial
of degree $k-1$ whose coefficient $P_0$ is the secret while the other
$k-1$ coefficients are chosen at random) and the value of $x_i$, the
argument at which $P(x)$ has been evaluated. That is, the $s_i$
values (or the $x_i$ values) by themselves do not allow a cabal of $k$ or more shareholders to reconstruct $P(x)$ or $P_0$: they need (at least) $k$ of
the $N$ pairs $(s_i,x_i)\colon 1\leq i \leq N$ to find $P(x)$.
Now, having reconstituted $P(x)$, the cabal of $k$ shareholders can create an
additional share $(s_{N+1},x_{N+1}) = (P(x_{N+1}), x_{N+1})$ but unless the cabal knows
$x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N$, there is no guarantee that $x_{N+1}$ is
different from all of the previously used $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N$.
That is, the newly created share $(s_{N+1},x_{N+1})$ might be the same as the share $(s_i,x_i)$ issued to a nonmember of the cabal. The new
shareholder will enjoy the property that he can join up with
any of the $\binom{N-1}{k-1}$ sets of $k-1$ original shareholders that do not have the $i$-th shareholder as a member and recreate the secret.
But, he cannot recreate the secret in conjunction with any subcabal
of $k-1$ shareholders that includes the $i$-th shareholder as a member.
What exactly happens when two shareholders submit the same
share of the secret depends on the implementation of the secret sharing scheme;
all that can be said is that the secret will not be recreated.