Recently, I've been researching and implementing a bit of post-quantum cryptography, and I came across two RLWE-KEX algorithm for key exchange.
The first one, which I implement in my software, is the one by V.Singh which provides 2 practical parameter sets. I find this one simple and easy to implement.
However, this paper seems to get little attention and few citation compared to NEWHOPE by L.Dacus et al. It provides only 1 set of practical parameters, but seems to get more attention. I remember seeing another stackexchanger recommending it to a fellow, and there are several proposals for improvements out there (although I feel these improvements also apply to the VS scheme back there).
So, should I switch? I do remember NIST saying they don't expect to "pick a winner", so I guess I could stick to my choice. Or is there an inherent advantage within NEWHOPE over the VS scheme?