Assume $r_1,r_2$ are used only once, and picked uniformly at random (each time we want to mask a value) from finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$, where $p$ is a large prime number. Assume $r_i\neq0$ and $b$ is a (non-zero) fixed element of the field. Let $(r_i)^{-1}$ be multiplicative inverse of $r_i$.
Imaging there is a client $B$ and a server. The server does some homomorphic operation on an encrypted value and then provides $c=E_{pk_{B}}(r_1\cdot b)$ to client $B$. Where the cipchertext space is much larger than $p$.
So the plaintext may overflows in field $\mathbb{F}_p$, in other words $r_1\cdot b$ may not be in the field $\mathbb{F}_p$. Therefore, there is a rick that client $B$ after decrypting learns something about $b$. So we want to force client $B$, after decrypting the message performs $\bmod p$.
To this end, we compute $c'=E_{pk_{B}}(r_1\cdot b \cdot r_2\cdot (r_2)^{-1})$.
Question 1: Given $c'$, can client $B$ learn anything about $b$ after decrypting the ciphertext before it performs $\bmod p$ operation?
Simpler version: Given $r_1\cdot b \cdot r_2\cdot (r_2)^{-1}$ without involving $\bmod p$ operation can a semi-honest party learn anything about $b$ ?