Here's one more way in which a dishonest participant can mess with Shamir's secret sharing:
Let's briefly review how secret reconstruction in Shamir's $(k,n)$ secret sharing works. Given the $x$-coordinates of $k$ participants $(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_k)$, one way to reconstruct the secret is to compute the Lagrange basis polynomials: $$\ell_j(x) = \prod_{1 \le i \le k, i \ne j} (x-x_i)\,(x_j-x_i)^{-1},$$ which have the property that $\ell_j(x_j) = 1$ and that $\ell_j(x_i) = 0$ for all $i \ne j$. The polynomial $p(x)$ that interpolates the shares $(x_i, y_i)$ can then be calculated as the linear combination: $$p(x) = \sum_{1 \le j \le k} y_j \, \ell_j(x), $$ and the secret recovered as $S = p(0)$. Equivalently, we may also first evaluate the basis polynomials at the origin to obtain the coefficient $c_j = \ell_j(0)$, and then simply reconstruct the secret as a linear combination of the shares: $$S = \sum_{1 \le j \le k} y_j\, c_j.$$
Now, assuming that the $x$-coordinates are public (or revealed during the reconstruction process, as they eventually must be), any participant $j$ can calculate their own coefficient $c_j$ in advance, before any of the $y$-coordinates are revealed.
In particular, this implies that if a single dishonest participant $j$ reveals the false $y$-coordinate $y'_j = y_j + \delta$ instead of their true coordinate $y_j$, then the reconstructed secret will end up being $s' = s + \delta \, c_j$ instead of the true secret $j$. Knowing $\delta$, this dishonest participant can then recover the true secret $s = s' - \delta \, c_j$, while all the other participants are left with just the bogus value $s'$ and no way to reconstruct $s$.
Furthermore, the dishonest participant can easily choose the difference between the true secret $s$ and the recovered secret $s'$, simply by adjusting their share by $\delta = (s' - s) \, c_j^{-1}$. If they can somehow guess what the true secret is, this even lets them choose exactly what the revealed bogus secret will be.
If there are exactly $k$ participants in the sharing process, then such manipulation will be undetectable. With more than $k$ participants, the manipulation will still work, but (unless there are multiple dishonest participants colluding together) the resulting interpolation polynomial will typically be of a degree higher than the expected $k-1$, which should ring some alarm bells.