Mathematical checks of the consistency of an RSA key can include:
e&\text{ odd}\\
n&\text{ odd, and of prescribed bit size (if any)}\\
p&\text{ odd, and of prescribed bit size (if any)}\\
q&\text{ odd, and of prescribed bit size (if any)}\\
n&=p\cdot q\\
1&=(d_p\cdot e)\bmod(p-1)\\
1&=(d_q\cdot e)\bmod(q-1)\\
1&=(q\cdot q_\text{inv})\bmod p\\
d_p&<p-1\;\text{ [redundant with }d_p=d\bmod(p-1)\text{ ]}\\
d_q&<q-1\;\text{ [redundant with }d_q=d\bmod(q-1)\text{ ]}\\
All parameters must be non-negative. In the above, $\bmod$ is akin to the %
operator in C or java, extended to large integers. The upper range checks for $d_p$ and $d_q$ (and to some degree $q_\text{inv}$) are not mathematically indispensable, but are very customary and simplify the check of $d$, hence are included.
As pointed out by Maarten Bodewes, a primality check of $p$ and $q$ could also be performed; that will catch most random errors on these parameters. This will involve operations on large numbers though. And, chances that an accidental modification of the private key cause $p$ or $q$ to become composite while passing all the above checks is low.
In addition, some devices have extra requirements or/and perform extra checks that are not mathematically necessary. When not met, this could cause the observed device panic; in that case it would be a good idea to identify these requirements/checks, and externally check that they are met. Here is a list, believed exhaustive for industry-standard devices/libraries that I have happened to meet:
- $d<n$, or perhaps the stronger $d<(p-1)(q-1)$, or the even stronger $d<(p-1)(q-1)/\gcd(p-1,q-1)$; that later one might be gaining traction since it is in FIPS 186-4, Appendix B.3.1 additional requirement 3(a) (at least for key generation).
- $2^{2k-1}<n<2^{2k}$ for some specified values of $k$ (like $k\ge512$ with $k$ multiple of $2^w$ for some $w\ge7$, as in ANSI X9.31:1998; I have also seen lower minimum $k$, and lower $w$ down to 3); FIPS 186-4 requires $2k\in\{1024,2048,3072\}$ (at least for key generation).
- If the above applies, that $2^{k-1}<p<2^k$ or the stronger $2^{k-1/2}<p<2^k$ (same bounds for $q$); FIPS 186-4 specifies the later, stronger bounds (at least for key generation).
- That $|p-q|$ is above some threshold; FIPS 186-4 uses $2^{k-100}$. Notice that proper random generation of $p$ and $q$ makes this overwhelmingly probable, so much that this check is often (safely) skipped at key generation.
- $e$ less than some threshold, like $2^{32}$ in an old Windows cryptoAPI, or $2^{256}$ in FIPS 186-4, or $n$ (that one is commonly specified), or $2^{2k}$ with $k$ as above.
- $e\ge3$ (necessary for security), or $e\ge2^{16}+1$ (helping towards security of some variants of RSA with questionable padding), or $e=2^{16}+1$ (the most common value), or $e=3$ (the value leading to the simplest and fastest implementation of the public-key function, and believed safe for proper RSA padding).
- I've seen code that requires some special condition on the high order bits of $n$ or/and $p$ and/or $q$ for reliable estimation of quotient in some modular reduction; or have other odd requirements on the public modulus; if that's not well documented, that's a bug.
- I've once seen an implementation with a tendency to fail for large values of $q_\text{inv}$, and wondered if forcing $p<q$, or vice versa, would prevent that failure (note that exchanging $p$ and $q$ changes $q_\text{inv}$, though).
Various conditions beyond being prime are often specified for $p$ (and similarly $q$) at key generation; like, $p-1$ or/and $p+1$ having a large prime factor (a requirement in FIPS 186-4 for 1024-bit $n$); but I have never seen that checked after key generation (and such check would be uneasy). Similarly, I have seen requirements for a minimal value of $d$, but have never seen that enforced after key generation.
Note: it is rarely made actual use of both $d$ and $(p,q,d_p,d_q,q_\text{inv})$ for the same private key; sometime things will work without $d$, or with only $(n,e,d)$; that would simplify external checks.
A check that $n=p\cdot q$ can be conveniently performed modulo one auxiliary modulus $r$ (or a few relatively coprime moduli). We compute $\widehat n=n\bmod r$, $\widehat p=p\bmod r$, $\widehat q=q\bmod r$, and check that $\widehat n=(\widehat p\cdot\widehat q)\bmod r$. Convenient values of $r$ are $2^{32}-1$ (because modular reduction is easy; like casting out nines, only in base $2^{32}$ rather than base 10), and $2^{32}$ (which operates only on the low-order 32 bits of $n$, $p$, $q$; and thus should not be the only $r$ used for a check). As a consequence of the Chinese Remainder Theorem, these heuristic checks modulo $r$ become a proof if enough $r$ are used that the Least Common Multiple of all the $r$ is at least $n$.
An equivalent shortcut for operations involving $\bmod$ with a large right-hand operator is much more complex. It seems to involve computing the quotient. Assuming $e$ is less than 32-bit, to check that $1=(d_p\cdot e)\bmod(p-1)$ we might compute $x=\lfloor(d_p\cdot e)/p-0.05\rfloor$ using 64-bit floating point ($x$ will be less than $e$, thus fit 32 bits, and most often the correct quotient), then check that $x\cdot(p-1)+1=d_p\cdot e$ using reduction modulo a small $r$ (or a few ones), as above; if that check fails, we increase $x$ by one (always finding the right quotient if $d_p$, $e$ and $p$ are consistent), then repeat the check. But when the quotient gets large, basically we need full blown bignum arithmetic.
CAUTION: beware that most of the above checks (except those manipulating only $n$ and/or $e$) manipulate secret material, and thus can be vulnerable to side-channel attacks. These checks must be done in a safe environment (or protected against side channels such as timing or power analysis, which is complex).