Given a pseudorandom generator (PRG) with $G(x) = y_{1} || y_{2}$, where $y_{1}$ and $y_{2}$ are n-bit strings. $G'(x) := G(y_{1}) || G(y_{2})$. Is $G'(.)$ still a PRG? I am guessing it's a No because $G'(x) := G(y_{1}) || G(y_{2})$ always outputs the concatenation of $G(x)$ with previously generated outputs as inputs. But I am not sure what's the formal way of explaining this.
In addition. $G''(x) = G(y_{1}) ||G(y_{1})\oplus G(y_{2})|| G(y_{2})$, is $G''(x)$ still a PRG? I would say No again in this case because the pattern is again the concatenation of $G'(x)$ with the $\oplus $ in the middle?
I think I might be entirely wrong on this. A pointer or two would be appreciated.