I am having a task where I have to evaluate a commitment scheme. I checked already a few questions here, but they have not helped me :( I hope someone is able to help me out in that.
What do I have?
$commit_H$ - perfectly hiding and computationally binding
$commit_B$ - perfectly binding and computationally hiding
Here is $commit_1(m)$ step-by-step.
- compute $(c_H, d_h) := commit_H(m)$
- compute $(c_B, d_B) := commit_B(c_H)$
- output $(c_B, (d_B, d_H))$
The first question is if this is a commitment scheme. My answer would be yes, because we have a commitment ($c_B$) and open values $(d_B, d_H)$.
How to open the commitment? $open(open(c_B, d_B), d_H)$
I hope this is correct so far. Now comes the part where I have no clue. I have to decide what type of commitment it is. Is it type B (perfectly binding) or type H (perfectly hiding).
My first thought was that it is perfectly binding. In order to proof this, I am using contradiction.
Contradiction: There exists an algorithm A, such that
$((x_1),(x_2)) \leftarrow A(1^n) ~~(x_1 \neq x_2)$
$commit(x_1) = commit(x_2)$
$commit_B(commit_H(x_1)) = commit_B(commit_H(x_2))$
$commit_B(c_{H1}) = commit_B(c_{H2})$
This would be a contradiction, because $commit_B$ is perfectly binding.
The next step would be to show that it is not perfectly hiding, because my though is that it is type B.
This is where I am stuck. $commit_B$ is not perfectly hiding, which means that an computationally unbound attacker would be able to decommit the first part ($commit_B(c_H)$), but would be stuck at the second part ($commit(m)$), because it is perfectly hiding.
My question would be, what am I doing wrong? Did I misunderstood something? Could someone help me out?
Edit: Thanks to the answer from poncho, I get the following solution. It is not completed yet, since I fell unsure about it. Would be nice if someone or even poncho could correct if necessary.
The commitment scheme $commit_1(m)$ is of type $H$. This means, it would be perfectly hiding and computationally binding.
There are 3 things I want to show:
- Perfectly hiding
- Computationally binding
- Not perfectly binding
I would like to start with number 3 - not perfectly binding.
$commit_H$ is not perfectly binding, which means that $\exists m_1, m_2; m_1 \neq m_2$ such that
$\implies commit_B(c_{H1}) = commit(c_{H2})$
Even $commit_B$ is perfectly binding, after opening $c_B$ it would be possible to open $c_H$ to either $m_1$ or $m_2$ (given unbounded computation) (Thanks poncho).
Next, I would like to show perfectly hiding. I used therefore a game, where an Attacker sends $m_1$ and $m_2$ to $commit_B$ and this is send to $commit_H$. Here is the game I had been thinking of:
We have an unbounded attacker $A$ with an advantage of $\epsilon(n)$.
The probability to win this game is:
$Pr[b=b'] = Pr[Challenger_H(n)=1] = Pr[Challenger_B(n)=b]$ since he passes the messages $m_0$ and $m_1$ without altering them.
$Pr[b=b'] = Pr[Challenger_H(n)=1] = Pr[Challenger_B(n)=b] = Pr[A(n)=b]$.
Since $commit_H$ is perfectly hiding, we get the following equation:
$\frac{1}{2} = Pr[A(n)=b] = \frac{1}{2} + \epsilon(n)$ $\Rightarrow \epsilon = 0$ otherwise it would be a contradiction.
The last thing (can I call it property?) to proof is computationally binding. I am not sure yet how to do that. I am thinking to prove it with computationally and statistically indistinguishability. I will crack me head later on that one too.