Alice is going to use some existing RSA scheme (employing industry-standard signature or/and encryption with proper padding), which she can't change, or influence beyond her choice of key. In this scheme, all public modulus $n$ are exactly $b$ bits with $b$ even (e.g. $b=4096$); and any odd public exponent $e$ with $3\le e<e_\mathtt{lim}$ is allowed, for some $e_\mathtt{lim}$ at least $n$ (this is common; e.g. PKCS#1v2.1 uses $e_\mathtt{lim}=n$).
Contrary to standard practice, Alice would like her RSA key to have a public exponent $e$ crafted to slow down use by other parties (say, she wants to better resist some denial of service attack starting with sending her an RSA-encrypted message); but she would like to keep her own actions fast when performing a computation normally involving her public key (that includes Alice checking a signature she just generated using the CRT, as customary to guard against the mother of many fault injection attacks).
Towards these goals, Alice can generate her key as follows:
- she secretly chooses a random odd $f$ with $3\le f<2^{b/2}$;
- she secretly chooses random primes $p$ and $q$ with $2^{(b-1)/2}<p<q<2^{b/2}$, $\mathtt{GCD}(p-1, f)=1$ and $\mathtt{GCD}(q-1, f)=1$;
- she computes $n=p·q$;
- she computes $e=f+(p-1)·(q-1)$;
- she computes $d=f^{-1}\bmod{\mathtt{LCM}(p-1,q-1)}$, or/and $dP=f^{-1}\bmod{(p-1)}$, $dQ=f^{-1}\bmod{(q-1)}$, $qInv=q^{-1}\bmod p$.
Alice's public key is $(n, e)$, made public, and her private key is $(n, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv)$. These are usable as customary in RSA. In particular, the construction yields $2^{b-1}<e<n<2^b$ with $e$ and $n$ odd, and thus meets the conditions required for $(n, e)$ to be acceptable in the scheme.
For a user of Alice's private key other than Alice, computing $x^e\bmod n$ for arbitrary $x$ requires over $b$ modular multiplications (more like $3·b/2$ with basic binary exponentiation), rather than $17$ modular multiplications for the customary public exponent of $2^{16}+1$. Thus Alice's goal of making use of her public key slow is largely met.
Notice that $\forall x\in\mathbb Z$, $x^e\equiv x^f\pmod n$ (proof sketch: the equality holds $\pmod p$ using Fermat's little theorem; same $\pmod q$; thus the equality holds $\bmod(p·q)$ as well). Therefore, Alice can use $f$ instead of $e$ when she wants to perform the transformation $x\mapsto y=x^e\bmod n$. Because $f$ is at most $b/2$-bit when $e$ is $b$-bit, this gives Alice a performance advantage of about a factor of $2$.
Question is, does Alice's choice of key create a risk, compared to established practice? And how can we keep (or make) that safe, and maximize the cost of computing $x^e\bmod n$ directly, and Alice's advantage over that?
Update: In particular, how much can we safely reduce the interval for $f$ at step 1? Can we make the binary expression of $f$ sparse to further speed its use by Alice? Can we increase the cost of using the public $e$? How can we use freedom given by $e_\mathtt{lim}$ when that's more than $n$? Notice each of these could improve Alice's advantage.
Update: By using a CRT form of her public key $(n, f, p, q, fP, fQ, qInv)$ with $fP=f\bmod{(p-1)}$ and $fQ=f\bmod{(q-1)}$, Alice gains an extra advantage by a factor of about $2$ (and more should we increase the number of prime factors of $n$).
Update: As pointed in the first comment, Alice must keep $f$ secret as well as $d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv$, since knowledge of $f$ combined with $e$ reveals $(p-1)·(q-1)=e-f$, wich combined with $n$ is known to allow efficient factorization of $n$. In particular, Alice should be wary of side channel attacks such as these when computing $x^f\bmod n$, which are not to fear when computing the same value as $x^e\bmod n$ (at least when $x$ is public).
Note: AFAIK this is new, and hereby put in the public domain.