I am working in the secp256k1 elliptical curve, though I suspect this would apply to any elliptical curve. I have a Pedersen Commitment of the $x$ and $y$ coordinates in some discrete log scheme with generators $g$ and $h$. The point described by $x$ and $y$ is equal to $G^n$, where $G$ a public generator and $n$ is a secret (using exponentiation to represent point scalar multiplication on elliptic curves). Is there a method to get from the $g^x h^{r_1}$ and $g^y h^{r_2}$ to $G^n H^{r_3}$, where $H$ is a second generator in the curve and all $r$ values are secret random numbers, using Zero Knowledge Proofs where needed? A method in the other direction, going from the commitment of $n$ to a commitment of the two coordinates $x$ and $y$ would also be applicable. I haven't been able to find such a proof in my research and I have not been able to think about how to create one.
My goal is to design a Zero Knowledge Proof of Knowledge of the private key associated with a public key which has been hashed (using the Bitcoin address hash) in such a way that the only public information is the environments (generators, settings, etc) and the result of the hash function, as well as all associated functions like the Bitcoin Hash. This proof can be used to prove ownership of a non-spending Bitcoin account without revealing the public key. If someone has done this, then I guess the question is moot and I will reference an applicable paper instead of designing it myself, thus a link to any such paper would also be an acceptable answer to this question. Unfortunately, I have not seen such a paper myself in my research.
I should also note that before the commitments of the coordinates were in the form $g^x h^{r_1}$ and $g^y h^{r_2}$, they were two lists of bitwise commitments that were homomorphically combined to become $g^x h^{r_1}$ and $g^y h^{r_2}$. I did not lose those commitments, so they are available. It was probably a mistake to suggest combining them, as it could introduce problems in performing operations on them due to differing orders between groups.