If $e = 3$ we can use Hastad's Broadcast Attack to recover $m$. We can write the three encrypted messages as follows:
$$c_1 \equiv m^3 \text{ mod } N_1$$
$$c_2 \equiv m^3 \text{ mod } N_2$$
$$c_3 \equiv m^3 \text{ mod } N_3$$
Using the Chinese remainder theorem it is possible to find a value $c_4$ that has the following properties:
$$c_4 \equiv c_1 \text{ mod } N_1$$
$$c_4 \equiv c_2 \text{ mod } N_2$$
$$c_4 \equiv c_3 \text{ mod } N_3$$
$$c_4 \equiv m^3 \text{ mod }N_1N_2N_3$$
Note that in RSA any message we encrypt must be smaller than the modulus, so $m$ is smaller than $N_1, N_2, N_3$. This implies that $m^3 < N_1N_2N_3$, which in turn implies that $c_4 = m^3$. So to recover $m$ all we have to do is compute $m = \sqrt[3]{c_4}$ (for which there are known efficient algorithms).
In general, if we have $e = x$ then we need to have $x$ encryptions of $m$ under the same $e$ and different $N$ for this attack to work. This follows from the fact that we need to be able to find a value congruent to $m^e$ mod some value greater than $m^e$ so that we can take the $e$th root of that value to recover $m$. If we have $e$ moduli for which we know $c_i \equiv m^e \text{ mod } N_i$ then we can always construct such a value via the CRT since for $m < N_i$ it holds that $m^e < N_1N_2 ... N_e$.