Carter-Wegman polynomial authenticators
For a given finite field $(\mathbb F,+,\times)$ of $f$ elements, define a Carter-Wegman polynomial authenticator for a message $M=m_1\|m_2\|\dots\|m_l$ of $l$ symbols in $\mathbb F$ as $$H_{(r,s)}(M)=s+\sum_{i=1}^l m_{(l+1-i)}\cdot r^i$$ where $r$ and $s$ are uniformly random independent secrets over $\mathbb F$ (I'm restricting to neither $r$ nor $s$ reused, even though $r$ could).
Common fields $(\mathbb F,+,\times)$ are $GF(2^b)$ (equivalently: field $(\{0,1\}^b,\oplus,\times)$ where $\times$ is binary polynomial multiplication followed by reduction modulo a public irreducible polynomial of degree $b$ ), and $(\mathbb Z_f,+,\times)$ for prime $f$. AES-GCM uses $GF(2^{128})$ with polynomial $x^{128}+x^7+x^2+x+1$. Poly1305 uses $\mathbb Z_f$ with prime $f=2^{130}-5$ (and some restriction of the domain of $r$, and of the $m_i$'s).
Tight security bound for elementary attack model: for fixed public $l$ and $(\mathbb F,+,\times)$ of $f\gg l$ elements, an adversary chooses a message $M$ of $l$ symbols, obtains $H_{(r,s)}(M)$ for fresh uniformly random secrets $r$ and $s$, and makes one attempt to produce $H_{(r,s)}(M')$ for $M'\ne M$ of his/her choice (also of $l$ symbols). What's a tight upper bound of probability $\epsilon$ of success (undetected forgery) as a function of $f$ and $l$? Do we reduce $\epsilon$ by excluding some $r$, e.g. requiring $r\ne 0$ ? Are some fields better than others ?
Concatenation of authenticators using the same field: we consider $H_{(r,s,r',s')}(M)=H_{(r,s)}(M)\;\|\;H_{(r',s')}(M)$, with the $r$, $s$, $r'$, $s'$ uniformly random independent one-time secrets in $\mathbb F$. What's a new tight upper bound for probability $\epsilon$ of undetected forgery as a function of $f$ and $l$?
Concatenation of authenticators using different fields: we consider $H_{(r,s,r',s')}(M)=H_{(r,s)}(M)\;\|\;H'_{(r',s')}(M)$, with $H$ (resp. $H'$) using field $\mathbb F$ of $f$ elements (resp. $\mathbb F'$ of $f'$ elements), with $f'\gtrsim f$ and some public way to plunge $m_i$ into $\mathbb F'$ , $r$ and $s$ uniformly random independent one-time secrets in $\mathbb F$, $r'$ and $s'$ uniformly random independent one-time secrets in $\mathbb F'$. What's a tight upper bound for probability $\epsilon$ of undetected forgery as a function of $f$, $f'$ and $l$? Is this lower than in 2. ?
Wide Carter-Wegman polynomial authenticators are non-trivial to implement both efficiently and portably: portable C has no semantic for carry-less multiplication, and no type wider than 64 bits. A generic Poly1305 uses 25 integer multiplications plus significant additions and shifts for 128 bits of message processed (or double arithmetic which a lot of low-end platforms do not have in hardware). It is thus tempting to concatenate narrower authenticators, which are easy and usually efficient to implement: C99 provides arithmetic in $\mathbb Z_f$ for $f<2^{32}$, using the w = ( (uint64_t)u * v ) % f;
semantic, and many hardware+compilers have good support for that (or perhaps w = ( (int64_t)u * v ) % f;
for $f<2^{31}$ ).