I want to know if encryption with RSA public key provides confidentiality and integrity. I'm quite sure that it provides confidentiality but I have concerns about integrity. If an attacker would scramble ciphertext what would be the result I get? Do I need to put some kind of MAC at the end of messages before encryption?
If I have to be more specific about my problem, I want to use RSA for sending tiny requests to a server. I am thinking of encrypting requests with server's public key. Server will also know my public key and send back responses encrypted with my public key. I'm not sure if I'm using these correctly since I'm a beginner in these topics.
Any help would be appreciated.
I want to use RSA for sending tiny requests to a server
and normal TLS/SSL is not enough? And integrity of RSA can be achieved with checking the padding (I hope someone will write something more specific) $\endgroup$