$\mathrm{KGen}(\kappa)$: Let $(\mathcal G, g, q) \gets \mathrm{GenG}(\kappa)$ be a cyclic group of prime order $q$. Choose random generators $g_0, g_1 \gets_R \mathcal G$, random exponent $x \in_R \mathbb Z_q \setminus\{0\}$, compute $h = g^x$, return public key $pk = (\mathcal G, g, q, g_0, g_1, h)$ and private key $sk = x$.
$\mathrm{Enc}(pk, m)$: Parse the 2-bit $m$ into its bits $m_0m_1$. Choose random $r \in_R \mathbb Z_q$ and return $c = (c_1, c_2) = (g^r, g_0^{m_0}\cdot g_1^{m_1}\cdot h^r )$.
Given this key generation scheme and this encryption algorithm, how can I find the decryption algorithm $\mathrm{Dec}(sk,c)$?