Take a set $S$ and an operation, let's call it $\oplus$. Also take another operation, say $\odot$. Also fix an element $\mathcal O\in S$ such that $\forall s\in S: \mathcal O\oplus s=s$ and fix another element $\mathcal I\in S$ such that $\forall s\in S: \mathcal I\odot s=s$.
Now I will list a set of properties and behind some properties I'll write names. If all the previous points apply, then the name can be applied to the named tuple.
- (closure under addition) $\forall s_1,s_2\in S: (s_1\oplus s_2)\in S$
- (additive associativity) $\forall s_1,s_2,s_3\in S:(s_1\oplus s_2)\oplus s_3=s_1\oplus(s_2\oplus s_3)$. We can now call $(S,\oplus)$ a semigroup.
- (additive identity) $\exists \mathcal O\in S:\forall s\in S: \mathcal O\oplus s=s\oplus \mathcal O=s$. We can now call $(S,\oplus,\mathcal O)$ a monoid.
- (additive inverses) $\forall s\in S:\exists s'\in S: s'+s=s+s'=\mathcal O$. We can now call $(S,\oplus,\mathcal O)$ a group.
- (additive commutativity) $\forall s_1,s_2\in S:s_1\oplus s_2=s_2\oplus s_1$. We can now call $(S,\oplus,\mathcal O)$ an abelian group.
- (multiplicative closure) $\forall s_1,s_2\in S:s_1\odot s_2\in S$
- (multiplicative associativity) $\forall s_1,s_2,s_3\in S:s_1\odot (s_2\odot s_3)=(s_1\odot s_2)\odot s_3$. We can now call (with 6 and 7) $(S,\odot)$ a semigroup.
- (multiplicative identity) $\exists \mathcal I\in S:\forall s\in S:\mathcal I\odot s=s\odot \mathcal I=s$. We can now call (with 6-8) $(S,\odot,\mathcal I)$ a monoid.
- (right distributivity) $\forall s_1,s_2,s_3\in S: (s_1\oplus s_2)\odot s_3=(s_1\odot s_3)\oplus (s_2\odot s_3)$
- (left distributivity) $\forall s_1,s_2,s_3\in S: s_1\odot (s_2\oplus s_3)=(s_1\odot s_2)\oplus (s_1\odot s_3)$. We can now call $(S,\oplus,\odot,\mathcal O,\mathcal I)$ a ring. Note: In some definitions having a multiplicative identity is optional.
- (multiplicative commutativity) $\forall s_1,s_2\in S:s_1\odot s_2=s_2\odot s_1$. We can now call $(S,\oplus,\odot,\mathcal O,\mathcal I)$ a commutative ring.
- (multiplicative inverses) $\forall s\in (S\setminus\{\mathcal O\}):\exists s'\in S:s\odot s'=s'\odot s=\mathcal I$. We can now call $(S,\oplus,\odot,\mathcal O,\mathcal I)$ a field.
If you want finiteness as well, then you write finite X in front of any of the names above if $\exists n\in\mathbb N:n=\left|S\right|$, that is, if $S$ is has a finite amount of elements.
As for the main difference between rings and fields: Rings don't require multiplication to be commutative. A common example would be $\mathbb R^{2\times 2}$ (the set of all 2x2 matrices with real-valued entries) with the usual matrix addition and multiplication. This features neither commutativity under multiplication nor can you always find inverse matrices. As for the difference between commutative rings and fields, simply consider $\mathbb Z_n$ with $n=pq$ for some primes $p,q$, ie the set of all nonegative integers smaller than $n$ with addition and multiplication with modular reduction $\bmod n$ at the end. In this ring you cannot find a multiplicative inverse of any number with $\gcd(n,x)>1$, so f.ex. for $x=p$, that is you can't find any $x$ such that $x\cdot p\bmod{pq}=1$. For a very concrete example look at the multiplication table for $n=3\cdot 5=15$ and notice how in the row and the column with the entry $3$ you can only ever get $0,3,6,9,12$ as the result of a multiplication by $3$, but never $1$, so $3$ has no multplicative inverse in $\mathbb Z_{15}$ and thus $\mathbb Z_{15}$ with the above elements and operations is not a field, but a commutative ring.