The following link illustrates two possible methods for solving the "Where is Waldo?" puzzle in zero knowledge.
Let's consider the first method:
How can a Simulator be built for any of the method described above?
I believe that the question above can answered only once the protocol view has been defined. And here is where I am stuck.
One option is to define the view as a video recording of the interactions between Alice and Bob. This video should also include the full cavity search performed by Bob on Alice as this is part of the interaction.
If this is the view used for the protocol, how can a simulator build this view without having knowledge of Waldo's position?
After the cavity search has been performed, Alice (or whoever impersonates Alice) must have knowledge of Waldo position in order to complete the protocol successfully.
If the cavity search is omitted by the recording, then a simulator can build a view without having knowledge of Waldo's position as the cut-out image of Waldo can be replaced with any image of Waldo.
However, I believe that the cavity search should be part of the recording as it is part of the interaction between Alice and Bob.