Let $H$ denote any hash function based on the sponge construction. Let $F$ denote its underlying function that transforms the $L$-bit state (for SHA-3, $F = \text{Keccak-}f[1600]$ ). Let $R$ denote the bitrate.
Note that the padded message $M$ has the following form:
$$\text{pad}(M) = B_1 \mathbin\Vert B_2 \mathbin\Vert \ldots \mathbin\Vert B_{N-1} \mathbin\Vert B_N,$$
where $B_i$ denote $R$-bit blocks.
Consider the possibility that there exists some $L$-bit block $X$ and $R$-bit block $V$ such that $F(X \oplus V) = X$ (obviously, assuming that the xoring takes place in the same position where the padded message blocks are xored into the state). Moreover, there exists some sequence of $R$-bit blocks $$S = B_1 \mathbin\Vert B_2 \mathbin\Vert \ldots B_{Y-1} \mathbin\Vert B_Y$$ that lead to the state $X$. Doesn’t this mean that if someone knows $S$ and $V$, it would be very easy to choose any suitable sequence of $nR$ bits (where $n$ is any natural number greater than 0), denote it by $T$ and generate arbitrarily many different messages such that $$\begin{array}{l} {\text{pad}(M_1)} = S\mathbin\Vert T,\\ {\text{pad}(M_2)} = S \mathbin\Vert V \mathbin\Vert T,\\ {\text{pad}(M_3)} = S \mathbin\Vert V \mathbin\Vert V \mathbin\Vert T,\\ {\text{pad}(M_4)} = S \mathbin\Vert V \mathbin\Vert V \mathbin\Vert V \mathbin\Vert T,\\ \ldots? \end{array}$$
But this means that $H(\text{pad}(M_i))$ is always the same for any $i$. What are practical consequences for $H$ if someone manages to find such a combination of $S$ and $V$, and then publishes it immediately (so that this combination is in open access for everyone)? That is, what practical applications (use cases) of $H$ will be impacted?