An ‘ideal [block] cipher’ is a probability distribution on block ciphers, i.e. families $\{E_k\}$ of permutations keyed by a key $k$. Specifically, if $E$ is an ideal block cipher, then for any fixed key $k$ independently, $E_k$ is a uniform random permutation—that is, for any fixed permutation $\pi$ of $n$-bit blocks, $$\Pr[E_k = \pi] = 1/2^n!$$ Indeed, since they are independent, for any sequence $k_1, k_2, \ldots, k_r$ of keys and sequence $\pi_1, \pi_2, \ldots, \pi_r$ of permutations, $$\Pr[E_{k_1} = \pi_1, E_{k_2} = \pi_2, \ldots, E_{k_r} = \pi_r] = (1/2^n!)^r.$$ If the random variable $E$ is an ideal block cipher, then the random variable $E_k$ is a random permutation, and for any $n$-bit block $x \in \{0,1\}^n$, the random variable $E_k(x)$ is a random $n$-bit block with distribution $\Pr[E_k(x) = y] = 1/2^n$ for any $n$-bit block $y \in \{0,1\}^n$. (However, note that for any fixed $k$ and $x \ne x'$, since $E_k$ is a permutation, $E_k(x)$ and $E_k(x')$ are not independent random variables, as they would be for a uniform random function rather than uniform random permutation.)
DES is one specific block cipher—one specific family of $2^{56}$ (mostly, if not all, distinct) permutations, not a probability distribution on families of $2^{56}$ permutations. It wasn't even chosen by rolling a $2^{64}!$-sided die $2^{56}$ times: it is highly structured, and as such can be efficiently implemented and computed. The structure is designed so that for the most part it doesn't have many interesting relations, though there are some that stand out, like $E_{\overline k}(\overline x) = \overline{E_k(x)}$ where $\overline x$ is the bitwise complement, which is exhibited by an ideal block cipher with only negligible probability.
The security goal that we more commonly ask of block ciphers is pseudorandom permutation or PRP security. This is quantified by the best probability a cost-limited random algorithm $A$ can attain at distinguishing an oracle for a uniform random permutation from an oracle for DES under a uniform random key: $$\operatorname{Adv}^{\operatorname{PRP}}_{\operatorname{DES}}(A) = |\Pr[A(\operatorname{DES}_k) = 1] - \Pr[A(\pi) = 1]|,$$ where $\pi$ is a uniform random permutation of 64-bit blocks and $k$ is a uniform random 56-bit key. Of course, in the case of DES, the computational cost of making this advantage essentially 1, the best possible advantage an adversary can hope to achieve and the worst possible security a putative PRP can provide, was demonstrated to be feasible twenty years ago and is now spent by the Bitcoin network in a fraction of a second.
But the ideal block cipher model is convenient for theoretical purposes because $\Pr[E_k(x) = y] = 1/2^n$ for any $k$, $x$, and $y$, which is a much stronger statement than we can say for a PRP.