Method 1 - Big Integer Math
Convert the 256 bit random_result
to an unsigned big-integer. Divide by 6 and take the remainder. Your die roll result is the remainder plus one.
$6$ does not evenly divide $2^{256}$. It divides about $1.93\times10^{74}$ times with an exact remainder of $4$. That means values $1$-$4$ are over represented but by a negligible amount, since they're only represented once more than $5$ and $6$ over a gigantic range.
The bias towards low die rolls is much much much much less than $2^{-128}$, modern cryptography's slightly arbitrary threshold for the maximum detectable amount of bias in probability.
Method 2 - "Small" Integer Math
Let $M = 6 \times floor(2^{32} \div 6) = 4294967292$, ie. the largest multiple of 6 that fits into a 32-bit unsigned integer.
Split the 256 bits into 8 32-bit unsigned numbers. Find the first value one of those values less than $M$ and return one plus the remainder of its value divided by 6. This returns value has a value a range of values $[1, 6]$.
The reason for using values in the range $[0,M-1]$ instead of $[0, 2^{32}-1]$ is because the latter is not evenly divided by 6. Random numbers in the former range lead to a perfectly uniform distribution.
The probability of one 32-bit value being rejected is $p = (2^{32} - M) \div 2^{32} \approx 9.32 \times 10^{-10}$. All 8 are rejected with $p^8 \approx 5.66 \times 10^{-73}$ probability which is very unlikely. The exact probabilities happen to be $p = 2^{-30}$ and $p^{8} = 2^{240}$. Again, this is less than $2^{-128}$, so you shouldn't expect it to happen.
If it does fail 8 times you can derive more 256 bit numbers by hashing random_result
concatenated with a counter. Or you can just use the final 32 bit value if the first 7 fail. The probability of that happening is small and the resulting bias is smaller.
The reason why I specify 32 bit numbers is for ease of implementation and for optimization reasons. There isn't any cryptographic relevance. 64-bit numbers and 64-bit division works as well, but it might not be available in some scripting languages and 32-bit division may be faster than 64 bit division on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.
You could use 3 bit chunks. Then you could eliminate division entirely because 6 only divides 8 once. Rejecting an individual chunk happens with $1/4$ chance. Rejecting 85 times is less than $6.7 \times 10^{-52}$ or $2^{-170}$.
Method 3 - Seed a PRNG
This would be a really easy if CS-PRNGs were implemented in standard language libraries or popular add-on libraries with a similar API to those for non-secure PRNGs. Using standard PRNGs doesn't work for every application either because of statistical artifacts, small state space, predictability, or lack of a good seeding algorithm.
Edit: Avoid this method. I don't have a single example I can cite. There are too many ways it could go wrong.
No method has significant bias and therefore the entropy of the die roll has very close to $\log_2 6$ bits of entropy. (Assuming reasonably high entropy seed, like 128 bits of entropy. It doesn't need to have 256 bits of entropy.)
I don't think you want an answer based on entropy. I don't know what you mean by "botching the entropy" and I assume you don't know either.
For each method you can estimate entropy of the result by treating the entropy of the hash output about equal to $min(256, \text{seed-entropy})$ and calculating the probability of each outcome 1 through 6 by computing how many hash outputs map to that die-roll-value.
Since we already know the bias to be incredibly small we know that the die-roll result is about uniform. Since it is about uniform we know it has about the maximum entropy you can get out of 6 element discrete uniform distribution, $\log_2 6$.