We would like to ask you to give a construction for requested scheme which provides those properties or give a proof that is not achievable.
[Note that unsuccessful attempts to build such a scheme can be found on the links Is this "linear combination" of PRFs and Hashes a secure MAC? and Is this construction a secure MAC?
Definition (MAC scheme). A message authentication code (or MAC) consists of three probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms $\Pi =(\mathsf{Gen}, \mathsf{Mac}, \mathsf{Vrfy})$ such that:
The key-generation algorithm $\mathsf{Gen}$ takes as input the security parameter $1^n$ and outputs a key $K$.
The tag-generation algorithm $\mathsf{Mac}$ takes as input a key $K$ and a message $m =a_1||a_2$ (where $a_1, a_2 \in \{0, 1\}^{n}$, and outputs a tag $T=(t_1,t_2)$ (where $t_1,t_2 \in \mathbb{F}^*_q$). Since this algorithm may be randomized, we write this as $T \leftarrow \mathsf{Mac}_K(m)$.
The deterministic verification algorithm $\mathsf{Vrfy}$ takes as input a key $K$, a message $m$, and a tag $T$. It outputs a bit $b$, with $b = 1$ meaning valid and $b = 0$ meaning invalid. We write this as $b := \mathsf{Vrfy}_K(m, T)$.
Expected features include:
correctness condition: it is required that for every $n$, every key $K$ output by $\mathsf{Gen}(1^n)$, and every $m \in \{0, 1\}^{2n}$, it holds that $\mathsf{Vrfy}_K(m, \mathsf{Mac}_K(m)) = 1$.
linear combination: the construction must be provided based on a linear combination of PRFs and Hashes.
forge conditions: we redefined the condition of the attacker's success for pair $(m=a_1\mathbin\|a_2,\;T)$, so that $\mathsf{Vrfy}_K(m,T)=1$, $a_1 \neq a_2$, and also $a_1\mathbin\|a_2$ or $a_2\mathbin\|a_1$ did not asked its oracle.
validation structure: it is required that algorithm $b := \mathsf{Vrfy}_K(m, T)$ act as follows, where $f$ and $g$ are polynomial-time algorithms: $$f(g(K,a_1),T) \stackrel{?}{=} f(g(K,a_2),T)$$ That is $\mathsf{Vrfy}$ should return $1$ iff the above expression holds and $0$ otherwise.