I have a strong interest in one time pads, and I would suggest that your scheme is a poor substitute for two reasons:-
What is the key to decode the message? It would have to be related (however indirectly) to the start position in the $\pi$ sequence. For example, you can decode my "Hello Joshua" message by starting XORing from (say) the 20,503rd digit of $\pi$. So the key is 20503.
A bit short eh? It's only 14 bits. For shortish messages we'd accept 96 bit keys (counter modes), but really want to keep them to at least 128 bits. That's $340 \times 10^{36}$. Timothy Mullican has just computed 50 trillion digits of $\pi$ using y-cruncher. It took a while, needed a few servers and that 'key' would still only be 46 bits long.
So yes, while you can compute individual $\pi$ digits, it gets progressively harder the further downstream you go. Frankly, it's hopeless.
Repudiation. If you destroy the OPT used to encrypt the message, no one will ever recover the plain text. Most of the the cold war OTP messages have never been decrypted for this reason. Your OPT will always exist and it's only a matter before someone stumbles upon the key /pointer.