Given $v \in Z$, a prover knows $v$ and the verifier knows an encryption of $v$.
The prover provides the verifier with the encryptions of two values $m$ and $n$
How can the verifier verify that $m+n=v$ ?
I cannot find any scheme/algorithm in the literature I have searched, other than range proofs, and I am looking for pointers.
To illustrate, here is a naive (and wrong) approach to the problem.
Assuming a generator $g$ in a group of order $p$, co-primes.
The verifier knows $g^v$, the prover can provide $g^m$ and $g^n$. The verifier then verifies that $g^mg^n=g^{m+n}=g^v \pmod p$.
However if the prover provides $m'$ and $n'$ such that $m'+n'=m+n+k(p-1), k \in Z^*$ then the equation above verifies although $m'+n'> v$
(according to Fermat little's theorem $g^{k(p-1)}=(g^{p-1})^k \equiv 1 \pmod p$)