This is a homework assignment, so I'm not expecting full solutions, just general guidance.
Let a PRG $G:\left\{ 0,1\right\} ^{n}\to\left\{ 0,1\right\} ^{l\left(n\right)}$ (where $l\left(n\right)$ is a polynomial and $l\left(n\right)>n$).
Is $G':x\mapsto G\left(x\|x\right)$ a PRG? (where $\|$ is the concatenation operator).
My intuition (that is probably wrong) says it is not, since $\left|Im\left(G'\right)\right|\leq2^{n}$ whereas $\left|Im\left(U_{l\left(2n\right)}\right)\right|=2^{l\left(2n\right)}>2^{2n}$.
I'm not sure however how to show this.
I want to show a distinguisher between $U_{l\left(2n\right)}$ and $G'\left(U_{n}\right)$ with a non-negligible advantage, so I get input $z\in\left\{ 0,1\right\} ^{2n}$ and need to decide from which distribution it came from.
I thought about just checking whether $z\in Im\left(G'\right)$, but that can take $2^{n}$ to compute.
I would love some direction. Thanks!