The Bit Flipping attack
Decryption process in CBC mode is performed as
P_1 =& Dec_k(C_1) \oplus IV\\
P_i =& Dec_k(C_i) \oplus C_{i-1},\;\; 1 < i \leq nb,
where $nb$ is the number of blocks.
If you know the position of the target byte, then you can modify the corresponding ciphertext position in the previous ciphertext block. For example; if you modify a byte in the ciphertext $C_{i-1}$, then $P_i$ will be changed by one block since $C_{i-1}$ only affects the plaintext $P_i$ by $\oplus$. We can see visually in the below figure;
$\color{red}{\textbf{Red case:}}$ A ciphertext byte of $C_2$ modified. This affects the corresponding byte in the next plaintext block $P_3$ and the corresponding full plaintext block $P_2$ which has the same index as the modified ciphertext which is garbage. This can be seen as there is an error.
$\color{ForestGreen}{\textbf{Green case:}}$ an $\text{IV}$ byte is modified (green), this affects only the corresponding byte in the first plaintext $P_1$. If the target plaintext is in the first block, this will not leave a trace.
An example
Consider this simple message
msg = "Buy 1000 lots of waffles"
Now the attacker intercepts the message and now the default structure and want to modify it into
msg = "Buy 5000 lots of waffles"
Here is the sample Python code ( the full code is here );
def bitFlip( pos, bit, data):
raw = b64decode(data)
list1 = list(raw)
list1[pos] = chr(ord(list1[pos])^bit)
raw = ''.join(list1)
return b64encode(raw)
With a call ctx = bitFlip(4,4,ctx)
changes the 1 into 5.
This is the green case attack, that leaves no garbage block. Some file formats, like PDF, can live with the red case attack.
A Little Theory
CBC mode for encryption can only provide Ind-CPA security. CPA security doesn't resist active attacks, like CCA (See this post Ind- notions for details). Therefore an active attacker can modify the pure CBC ciphertext on their behalf. If the message format is known, this can cause devastating effects especially if the important part is in the first block.
The Mitigation
The attack is possible since there is no integrity and authentication on the data. A MAC or an HMAC can be used to prevent this like AES-CBC-HMAC if the CBC mode is a must to use.
In other cases, it is better to use modern encryption schemes. The authenticated encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) which provides confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. The examples are AES-GCM and ChaCha20-Poly1305. In TLS 1.3., CCM,GCM, and poly1305 are standardized authenticated encryption modes.
There are alternatives to the above like AES-GCM-SIV which is designed to resist the (nonce,key) pair resue problem of the CTR based encryptions ( all of TLS 1.3 has) and xChaha20-Poly1305 that uses 192-bit nonces to reduce the chance of collision into very low probability.