This constant is used to approximate $(\pi(2^k) - \pi(2^{k-1}))^{-1}$, as shown in (4.1) of the Damgard et al. paper:
p_{k,t} \le (\pi(2^k) - \pi(2^{k-1}))^{-1} \sum\nolimits'_{n \in M_k} \bar{\alpha}(n)^t \,.
Most of the formula in the NIST document, between the square brackets, is dealing with the $\bar\alpha$ sum. The left side is dealing with the prime difference approximation.
From Propositon 2 of the Damgard et al. paper, we have
(\pi(2^k) - \pi(2^{k-1})) > 0.71867 \frac{2^k}{k}\,,
from which we can replace $(\pi(2^k) - \pi(2^{k-1}))^{-1}$ by $\frac{1}{0.71867 2^k / k}$ $=$ $1.39145 \cdot k \cdot 2^{-k}$ $=$ $2.00743 \cdot \ln(2) \cdot k \cdot 2^{-k} $.
The $\ln(2)$ term probably comes from the approximation $\pi(2^k) \approx \frac{2^k}{ \ln(2^k)} = \frac{2^k}{k \cdot \ln(2)}$, as in the proof of Proposition 2.
The ideas of paper [1] were applied...
But there is no direct result from the article, too $\endgroup$