A recent eprint paper claims to bound $\lambda_1(\Lambda^\perp(\mathbf{A}))$ for $\mathbf{A}\in\mathbb{Z}^{n\times m}$, a uniformly random matrix, by $O(1)$, specifically by $4$. This has applications to solving $\mathsf{SIS}_{n,m,q,4}$ in $\mathsf{P}$.
I'm no expert in this area, but it seems to me this contradicts the common thought that $\lambda_1(\Lambda^\perp(\mathbf{A})) = \Omega(\sqrt{n\log q})$ (see, for example, section 2.4.2 of this paper).
As getting into the details of the recent paper is likely off topic for this forum, I'm interested instead in another question --- what concrete/experimental evidence has been collected for the asymptotics of $\lambda_1(\Lambda^\perp(\mathbf{A}))$? Looking into data such as this would be an easy way to gain intuition for whether we're in an $O(1)$ regime or $\Omega(\sqrt{n\log q})$ one, and I had assumed that someone had papers along these lines, but don't actually recall seeing any of it myself.