One-way functions generally operate on bit strings, for the input and the output.
Are there any examples of one-way functions that produce a combination set in output? Let's call this function $f$. The function would take one bit string in input, of size $p$, and would produce a combination ($k$ elements among $n$). $n$ is a power of $2$.
Concrete example of combinations set: 64 elements among 256. The size of this set is 1.9E+61 (204 bits)
I have an algorithm to generate a combination through a hash function: the hash function is used to generate a pseudo random bit string, then the bit string is split into sub-strings of size $\log_2(n)$ whose value represents the position of the element in the set of size $n$. If the value was already selected, to check the next value. If the hash function has good properties the loop will stop after some iterations.
I would like to know whether there are constructions considered as primitives for this problem.