According to its mathematical definition, a random algorithm $M: D\rightarrow R$ satisfies $\epsilon$-differential privacy if the adjacent datasets $x, y \in D$ where $D$ is a whole dataset and datasets $x$ and $y$ differs by only one record, and any set of $S \in Range(M)$, $Pr(M(x) \in S) \leq Pr(M(y) \in S) * e^{\epsilon}$.
The additive one is shown in this question: Differential privacy definition.
Dr. Dwork explains the advantage of using the multiplicative definition over the additive one in the Microsoft Research Lecture 2 (at about 2'50''). In short, with this multiplicative definition, it could be ruled out the possibility that an individual's record would be randomly selected and published.
However, I struggle to understand her meaning. I would appreciate any help in understanding this definition!