
I'm trying to understand the following signature scheme (Camenisch-Lysanskaya):

Key generation: $n = pq$ special RSA modulus, $a, b, c \in QR_n$. $PK = (n, a, b, c), SK = p$.

Signing algorithm:

  • $m$ message.
  • $e$ random prime number (with some for this question unimportant length restriction).
  • $s$ random number with very big length (unimportant for my question).
  • Compute $v^e \equiv a^m b^s c \bmod n$. Output $(e,s,v)$.

Verification algorithm: Check that $v^e \equiv a^m b^s c \bmod n$ and check the length restriction of $e$.

I don't see why this is a valid signing algorithm. The secret key is not used for signing (or calculating $e$ or $s$). So everyone could make a signature like this and not just the one who created the public key.

Edit: If I understand it right, it's all about the hard computation of a $v$ and $e$ if you just have $a^m b^s c$. But how does it help there to know the factorization of $n$?


1 Answer 1

  • Compute $v^e \equiv a^m b^s c \pmod n$. Output $(e,s,v)$.

This should perhaps read:

  • Solve $v^e \equiv a^m b^s c \pmod n$ for $v$. Output $(e,s,v)$.

If you can solve $v^e \equiv u \pmod n$ for $v$ without using $p$ in general, you have found a major breakthrough in cryptanalysis!

  • $\begingroup$ Yes that is, what I also read. But how does it help for the calculation to know the factorization of $n$? $\endgroup$
    – jhnn
    Mar 25, 2019 at 16:07
  • $\begingroup$ Or the other way around: why can I solve the factorization problem if I would have found some $e, v$ to a given $u, n$ s.t. $v^e \equiv u \bmod n$? $\endgroup$
    – jhnn
    Mar 25, 2019 at 16:11
  • $\begingroup$ How does knowing the factorization of $n$ help to find $v$? If you know $p$ and $q$ so that $n = pq$, you can compute $\lambda(n) = \operatorname{lcm}(p - 1, q - 1)$ and solve $e d \equiv 1 \pmod{\lambda(n)}$ for $d$ and compute $v \equiv (a^m b^s c)^d \pmod n$ as in RSA. $$$$ How does finding $v$ help to find the factorization of $n$? We don't know, except in the cases of even exponents, since knowing two distinct square roots $y$ and $y'$ of a common square $x\equiv y^2\equiv (y')^2\pmod n$ so that $(y+y')(y-y')=kn$ for some $k$ reveals the factorization of $n$ by $\gcd(n, y \pm y')$. $\endgroup$ Mar 25, 2019 at 16:24
  • $\begingroup$ From a cursory glance, the security of this system seems to rely on the RSA problem, not directly on factorization. The RSA problem—inverting $x^e \bmod n$ for uniform random $x$ and appropriate choice of $e$—is certainly not harder than factoring, but it may be easier. $\endgroup$ Mar 25, 2019 at 16:27

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