Let $R_q=\mathbb{Z}_q[x]/(x^n+1)$ as usual in the RLWE assumption.
Suppoes that I choose a sample of the RLWE distribution, that is, I compute $(a,y=as+e)$ where $a$ is uniform in $R_q$ and $s,e\leftarrow\chi_\alpha$ are sampled from the error distribution (discrete Gaussian distribution with parameter $\alpha$).
Question: I want to know the probability $$Pr(y=r)$$ for some $r\in R_q$. Note that, in this case, I know the secret $s$ and error $e$. Hence, I believe I cannot use the indistinguishability of RLWE samples from uniform samples to conclude that $Pr(y=r)$ is close to uniform, say $1/q^n+negl$ (or can I?).