To get some certain properties for my use case I need a prime $P$ which has the form:
$P=2\cdot Q \cdot R \cdot S \cdot t+1$ with $Q,R,S,t$ primes as well.
Why that form - Use case
Together with this three factors $q,r,s$ are used. The values $v$ of interest have the form
$v(a,b,c) = q^ar^bs^c\bmod P$,
Those factors have the following properties:
$q^Q \equiv 1 \bmod P$
$r^R \equiv 1 \bmod P$
$s^S \equiv 1 \bmod P$
and the equation holds:
$q^{a+dQ}r^{b+eR}s^{c+fS} \equiv q^{a}r^{b}s^{c} \bmod P$, with any $d,e,f \in \mathbb{N}$
$|\{v(a,b,c), \forall a,b,c \in \mathbb{N}\}| = QRS = \frac{P-1}{2t}$
If another factor is added:
$v(a,b,c,T) = q^ar^bs^c T\bmod P$, with any $T\in\mathbb{N} < P$
you can achive:
$|\{v(a,b,c,T), \forall a,b,c,T <P \in \mathbb{N}\}| = P-1$
Two different $T$ have $0$ or all values equal.
That those properties work the prime $P$ need to have the form:
(constructed myself, there might be better options)
It also works with $t=1, T=1$. With this half of all values ($(P-1)/2$) can get generated.
How safe is such a prime?
A user and also possible attacker has access to the source code and all runtime variables. For a given $v$, which is not computed at the local PC (its just a random number) the attacker should not be able to determine the values $a,b,c$ and $T$ in:
$v(a,b,c,T) \equiv q^ar^bs^c T\bmod P$
or to be more exact, he should not be able to derive one $v'$ out of another $v$
$v'(a',b',c',T') \equiv v \cdot q^{a'}r^{b'}s^{c'} T'\bmod P$
The attacker knows all other values $P,Q,R,S,q,r,s,t$
$Q,R,S$ need to be about the same size, $t$ is much smaller $t\ll Q,R,S$, in use case less than $t<1000$;
I read about safe and strong primes. Both don't hold for that kind of prime form. How much safety get lost with that form? Would it help if
$Q,R,S$ are safe/strong primes
if $P+1$ has a large prime factor
You know about other enhancements?
Comparison to normal discrete logarithm
The form above is different to the normal discrete logarithm problem form like:
$v'\equiv g^x \bmod P'$ and finding $x$ for a given $v'$
I'm not familiar with all discrete log. solving algorithms. Does it make a difference if there is only one base ($g$) or three of it ($q,r,s$)? Three harder or faster solving?
Assuming $S$ is a safe prime and largest out of $Q,R,S,t$. Could you compare the mean solving time complexity of
finding $a,b,c,T$ for a given v solving:
$v \equiv q^ar^bs^c T\bmod P$
with finding d for a given $v'$
$v'\equiv g^d \bmod S$, with g prime root of $S$
Or is it harder/faster? How would a normal form look like which has about the same solving time (to get an idea how much worse my form is)?
(toy) example
$P=35531=2 \cdot 11 \cdot 17 \cdot 19 \cdot 5+1$
$r=4999, q=21433, s=3181$