In the other answers, you'll find how to simulate a proof if you know $e$. This answer is meant to provide some "color commentary" on the other answers. It is a companion piece.
- In step 1, Alice sends $g^r$. Call this value $a=g^r$.
- In step 3, Alice sends $r+se$. Call this value $b=r+se$.
- In step 1-3, one value is sent in each step: {$a,e,b$}. We'll call these three values a transcript for public key $v$.
- In step 4, with the new notation, Bob checks: $a=g^bv^{-e}$.
Basic question
With this notation, it may be easier to see how knowing $e$ can help. Generate a random $b$ and then compute $a$ so that the equation holds and {$a,e,b$} will accept.
Another thing to note
Other answers noted that since you choose $a$ directly, you do not really know an $r$ such that $a=g^r$ (by the discrete log problem). This is one thing that distinguishes a true proof from a simulated one.
A second thing to note, which is very important, is that to simulate a proof, you start by computing (choosing) $b$ and then you compute $a$ using $b$ and $e$. In a real execution, you compute everything in order.
The only way to forge?
The other answers have shown a way to simulate the proof. Is it the only way?
For example, is it possible to choose an $a$ value knowing $e$ and then compute the right $b$ to make {$a,e,b$} accept (short of knowing $s$)? The answer is no.
Pretend you have a black box that could do this: it takes {$a,e$} as input and returns the proper $b$ without knowing $s$. If such as box existed, you could query {$a,e_1$) and get $b_1$, and then query {$a,e_2$} with the same $a$ and different $e$, and get $b_2$. However one can verify that this is sufficient to compute $s$: in fact, $s=\frac{b_1-b_2}{e_1-e_2}$. So there is a contradiction: the box doesn't know $s$ by definition and yet it does "know" $s$ (in the sense that it can compute it). Therefore, by contradiction, such a box cannot exist, and neither can a forgery {$a,e,b$} where $a$ and $e$ are chosen.
Enforcing only true transcripts
If we put all of the above together, it basically says that if {$a,e,b$} accepts, it must have either been computed by someone who truly knows $s$, or it was computed backward by choosing/knowing $b$ and $e$ before computing $a$.
Can we eliminate the second case? One way is to be Bob. Another might be to be there in person to see that $a$ is sent before $e$: however do you really know that Alice doesn't know $e$? Can you really be sure?
The answer is yes.
If you can ensure $a$ is computed before $e$, then we are done. A simple technique (called Fiat-Shamir) is to set $e=\mathcal{H}(a)$, where $\mathcal{H}$ is a hash function (technically a random oracle). If you choose/know $e$ first, you cannot find an $a$ that will hash to it (by preimage-resistance).